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1 Translation result for provide in Spanish


provide verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
provided, has provided, is providing, provides
estipular; proveer

Example sentences of
provide verb

  • The Web site provides information about local activities.
  • The curtains on the windows provide privacy.
  • The school provided new uniforms for the band.
  • The goal is to provide health care to as many people as possible.
  • Coffee and doughnuts will be provided at the meeting.
  • The Web site provides users with information about local activities.
  • The school provided the band with new uniforms.
  • The store provides its customers with excellent service.
  • Workers were provided with gloves for protection.
  • The contract provides that certain deadlines will be met.

Detailed synonyms for provide verb

Provide, supply, furnish, deliver, contribute, donate significan dar u obtener lo que se desea o se necesita para algo.
  • Provide connota previsión, y recalca la idea de hacer preparativos adecuadamente mediante el abastecimiento o el equipamiento <provided him with an apartment and a car>.
  • Supply puede recalcar la idea de reemplazar, o de satisfacer una necesidad o deficiencia <foods that supply needed protein and vitamins>.
  • Furnish puede poner énfasis en la idea de equipar con lo que es necesario o, a veces, normal o deseable <furnished them with the necessary equipment>.
  • Deliver connota llevar algo a una persona o a un lugar <the furniture will be delivered next week>.
  • Contribute, donate sugiere el dar dinero, bienes o tiempo para ayudar a una persona, un grupo, una causa o una organización <he contributed $100 to the Red Cross> <people were encouraged to donate their money and time>.
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Reverse translation for provide

estipular  - to stipulate 
proveer  - to provide, to supply